The Site Skin fills the left and right margins and puts your brand in arguably the most visible position on the site. This is a site wide (ex. Marketplace and Database) position with high daily impression counts. Both sides share a common link but can incorporate different images for left and right with tracking available for which side was clicked.

Site Skin

  • High Visibilty
  • Up to one million impressions per week.
  • Site wide (excludes marketplace and product database entries)
  • Static position immune to ad blocking


The Site Skin position consists of two background images that frame the KVR Audio home page and news pages. The images are clickable (they will both use the same target URL but we track which side was clicked).

  • Two static image files in JPG, PNG or GIF format (NOT animated).
  • Maximum File Size: 200KB.
  • Image Size:
    • At least 600px wide.
      At least 1200px tall.
  • To ensure your primary message does not get cut off on lower resolutions, it should appear in the 100px of space on the right side of the left image and the left side of the right image.

Anyone who visits KVR Audio using a screen width wider than 1024 pixels will see the Site Skin images on either side of the home page content.

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Pricing and availability subject to change without notice.